April 2, 2020 – At Home Learning
Share and Care is now “virtual” during our time apart. Each day of our learning is going to focus around a story and will have ideas for the following areas: literacy, math, art, helping at home, music and movement. We will also have an idea for a snack! At the end of each post we will include a daily Bible story and a link so you can get your Praise music jam on. If you tune in to our Facebook Live at 10am, you will also get a bonus idea for extra fun you can have in your very own living room!
Your teachers have been working on providing ideas for today’s story, I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Frog by Lucille Colandro and Illustrated by Jared Lee. Today’s learning also includes a non-fiction, companion book, From Frog to Tadpole.
- Read Aloud with Mrs. Hoffman. Today we are trying a new format. Let us know what you think!
- Let’s get out and help SPRING arrive! See if you can help clean a flower bad or rake up some leaves that got missed last fall.
- Let’s work on a family of -og words today. I’ll give you fr-og, but then add some other sounds to -og to make some other words! Younger kiddos can verbally rhyme while older kiddos can work on writing the sounds before -og.
- We have a couple of projects today for you. The first one is creating your own hands-on, “upcycled,” frog cycle. You need an old egg carton, bubble wrap, some pipe cleaners and markers! Mrs. Hoffman will talk a bit more about this during our Facebook LIVE. Watch the replay if you missed it the first time. Here you have frog eggs, a tadpole, a froglet and a grown frog.
- This frog face snack is made out of a granny smith apple and other ingredients you may have right in your kitchen.
- Frank the Frog will have you up and moving today!
- 5 Green Speckled Frogs is one of our favorite counting songs at preschool and seems very appropriate for today’s learning!
- Today’s science is another hands-on project. Color and cut out a paper flower that looks like this. After it is cut it out, fold all of the petals into the center and place the folded flower in a shallow bowl of water. Watch the magic happen as the paper fibers react to getting wet.
- Head on over to PBSkids.org and you can build your own “garden” without having to swallow any dirt!
- Bible Story – When the Pharaoh wouldn’t listen to God, he sent LOTS of frogs to remind the Egyptians of His power.
- Praise Music – Let’s Get a Little Crazy
Current Share and Care Families – make sure to check your e-mail for printable additions to today’s curriculum