April 24, 2020 – At Home Learning
Share and Care is now “virtual” during our time apart. Each day of our learning is going to focus around a story and will have ideas for the following areas: literacy, math, art, helping at home, music and movement. We will also have an idea for a snack! At the end of each post we will include a daily Bible story and a link so you can get your Praise music jam on. If you tune in to our Facebook Live at 10am, you will also get a bonus idea for extra fun you can have in your very own living room!
Your teachers have been working on providing ideas for today’s story, On the Moon by Anna Milbourne and Benji Davies.

- Read Aloud with Mrs. Hoffman.
- Tonight I challenge you to read the bedtime story to your family. This can happen a variety of ways. You can use a book that you’ve read LOTS of time and can use the same words that the author has written. Books like Brown Bear, Brown Bear are great for this! You could also pick a less familiar book and make up your own words based on what you see in the pictures. This is a great pre-reading skill and I know your family would love the story you create.

- Our literacy activity is creating a Moon Journal. We are sure documenting a lot of things this month, aren’t we!? Your Moon Journal is set up for 5 observations and you can enter any dates you’d like. If you’d like to continue past 5 observations, simply print out another journal. See if you can notice any patterns in your observations.
- If you tuned into the Facebook LIVE today you saw us playing with Moon Rocks. Today’s art project has you painting with the same material! Crumple up some aluminum foil (or sacrifice a moon rock) and use it to “sponge” paint a full moon. You’ll need to cut out a stencil to get the sharp line of the full moon. Maybe you could try a different moon phase?

- Today’s yoga is a bit more mellow. Peace Out with some relaxation “Moon and Stars.”
- Here’s another great StoryBot song about the moon. I’ve also included a couple of my favorites from Laurie Berkner.
- If you’d like to eat the moon today, you can try making your own! Tot School uses a rice cake and some circular snacks. You could also add cream cheese, peanut butter or marshmallow fluff to your rice cake to help everything else stick on.

- Build your own constellations today for our STEM learning. Grab a dice to roll how many “stars” will be in your constellation and then use toothpicks to connect your marshmallow stars. Be creative and give your constellation a name when you are done.
- These monsters look a lot like aliens to me. Have fun working on your letter and sound recognition with this game, Monster Alphabet Match.
- Here’s a series of 3 virtual reality trips you can take. If you skip ahead to minute 2:00, you’ll find yourself on the moon and you can look all around!

- Bible Story – God Created the World
- Praise Music – This Little Light of Mine
Current Share and Care Families – make sure to check your e-mail for printable additions to today’s curriculum.