April 29, 2020 – At Home Learning
Share and Care is now “virtual” during our time apart. Each day of our learning is going to focus around a story and will have ideas for the following areas: literacy, math, art, helping at home, music and movement. We will also have an idea for a snack! At the end of each post we will include a daily Bible story and a link so you can get your Praise music jam on. If you tune in to our Facebook Live at 10am, you will also get a bonus idea for extra fun you can have in your very own living room!
Your teachers have been working on providing ideas for today’s story, Five Tough and Tiny Seeds by Steve Metzger and illustrated by Mike Byrne.

- Read Aloud with Mrs. Hoffman.
- Let’s work with the FIVE theme today. Here’s a timer for FIVE minutes. Ask your family to assign you a task and work on it until the timer is done. Tidying your bedroom is a great way to use FIVE minutes or you could work on a toy room or living room.

- Do you have any dry beans at your house? If so, we challenge you to spell your name with dry beans. Here’s a sample by Creative Family Fun using their spelling list. This is also a great way to practice your letters if you are working on their names/sounds.

- Using a paper towel tube, I created wish art today. Have fun with this stamping project and add your very own wish to your art!

- Pop See Ko 2.0!!
- This is one of the silliest of ALL of our preschool songs that we like to share in the spring. Enjoy WATERMELON!
- Share and Care loves a trail mix. Here is a seed-filled trail mix from Baby Foodie. It’s called Wild Birds Trail Mix and it looks delicious! If you invent your own trail mix, let us know! We always love new recipes!

- Lots of the foods that we eat everyday have seeds inside of them. See if you can find some in your kitchen today! Thanks to Preschool Tool Kit for the inspiration.

- Seed Soaring with Nature Cat.
- How do seeds grow? from SciShow Kids.

- Bible Story – Slapstick Theater (Paul’s Letter about Self-Control)
- Praise Music – Power Shuffle
Current Share and Care Families – make sure to check your e-mail for printable additions to today’s curriculum.