May 8, 2020 – At Home Learning
Share and Care is now “virtual” during our time apart. Each day of our learning is going to focus around a story and will have ideas for the following areas: literacy, math, art, helping at home, music and movement. We will also have an idea for a snack! At the end of each post we will include a daily Bible story and a link so you can get your Praise music jam on. If you tune in to our Facebook Live at 10am, you will also get a bonus idea for extra fun you can have in your very own living room!
Your teachers have been working on providing ideas for the nursery rhyme, The Itsy Bitsy Spider.
- Did you learn the rhyme as the Eensy Weensy Spider or the Itsy Bitsy Spider? Here is an Eensy Weensy version.
- Time to clear the cobwebs or scoot out the dust bunnies! See if you can help your family dust today.
- Today we are going to work on recognizing words as combinations of letters. Practice “reading” the nursery rhyme by pointing to each word as you say it. Here is a copy of today’s nursery rhyme if you don’t already have one.
- We love this idea for a spider with its own waterspout! You can add a straw to the back of your spider to help it go up and down the string. Thanks to The Little Legers for the great picture and ida!
- We also love this idea for a finger puppet! Thanks to Laly Mom for the idea!
- Plastic rain gutters are awesome tools to have. We all know how helpful they are outside, but inside they can hold books forward facing so that kiddos can choose a title more easily. They are excellent ramps for balls or cars AND they can make a great waterspout for some water play. Teach Preschool has great pictures of preschoolers hard at work with their water table.
- Spider Pose with Cosmic Kids
- Don’t be afraid of spiders! Do you know anyone who is afraid of spiders?
- Here’s a spider sandwich! You could also use crackers for a spider snack! Have any string cheese in your fridge? You could string your web for yoru spider!
- Working on that letter recognition with Alphabet Bingo. You can listen for letter names or letter sounds.
- Bible Story – Paul’s Ministry
- Praise Music – The Golden Rule
Current Share and Care Families – make sure to check your e-mail for printable additions to today’s curriculum.