April 21, 2020 – At Home Learning
Share and Care is now “virtual” during our time apart. Each day of our learning is going to focus around a story and will have ideas for the following areas: literacy, math, art, helping at home, music and movement. We will also have an idea for a snack! At the end of each post we will include a daily Bible story and a link so you can get your Praise music jam on. If you tune in to our Facebook Live at 10am, you will also get a bonus idea for extra fun you can have in your very own living room!
Your teachers have been working on providing ideas for today’s story, Hush, Little Alien by Daniel Kirk.
- Read Aloud with Mrs. Hoffman.
- Do you have a special place where you keep your outdoor toys/activities? If so, take a minute to tidy it up so that you will be able to find whatever you are looking for this week while the weather is nice.
- Today we are going to have some make believe fun and pretend everyone in your family is an alien. To have an alien name, replace your first letter with a “Z.” Practice writing and saying everyone’s alien name. After you’ve completed “Z,” try another letter!
- Today we are going to make our very own handprint aliens! Feel free to use paint or paper to create your OUT OF THIS WORLD creation!
- Let’s do yoga with Mike the Cosmic Space Monkey.
- Rocketship Run by Laurie Berkner
- Create a snack alien today! What can you use to create your EXTRA-special EXTRAterrestrial. Thanks to Fray Family Creations for the EXTRAordinary idea.
- You can make your own alien in a bag which is fun to play with and also a great way to practice making your letters. Preschool Alphabet suggests using light corn syrup, but I’ve also used hair gel to achieve the same effect. Just make sure to tape the top!
- Bible Story – Here is the story of the Nativity from Star and the bright star that shone above Jesus’ manger.
- Praise Music – I Sing the Mighty Power of God
Current Share and Care Families – make sure to check your e-mail for printable additions to today’s curriculum.